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BMW R1200S Säring Heck und Lenker
Guten Morgen,

ein BMW Boxer Fahrer sucht dringend ein Säring Heck und einen Lenker für eine R1200S, da er dies beim letzten Rennen zerstört hat und jetzt bis zum nächsten Rennen wieder aufbauen möchte.
Hat hier jemand etwas abzugeben.
PN Bitte an mich.


Potti #43

[Bild: Saring-Heck.png]

[Bild: saring-Heck-2.png]
[Bild: Lenker.png]

 Potti #43
 Bcup SpCow
Hab ich alles der soll sich bitte bei mir melden.
Gruß Ändy#58

habe ihn auf facebook angeschrieben und auf unserer Forum verwiesen. Sag bescheid, wenn er sich gemeldet hat.
Gruß Potti

 Potti #43
 Bcup SpCow
Hello , thanks to Potti and Andy58 for trying to help me , the 12S could have been repair , i manage to run on Magny Cours the 14-15 of october. Just an small oil leak on right cylinder .
I race in france while the Ultimate Cup , with/against nearly 40 Ducati , no other race in France for the Boxers, it's possible against Ducati because the engine is a twin... Very difficult against V4...but while the training i come with my S1000RR for some training free sessions to show their the small sister of my Boxer , ( same timings on track ) .....
I think i'm a the only Boxer on race in France... never seen another one , just a few while track days. One of them give me the rear parts of the faring broken in August.. thanks to him.
Now in winter the bike must be repair perfectly , i hope ...
Motorrad Sairing can deliver a new racing fairing , what can you tell me about this dealer ? Other solution for 12S parts ?
I wonder if it will be possible to come to race in Boxer Cup in 2024 ?

Hi Sprint38,
it would be great to welcome you in 2024 as a participant of our Boxer Cup!
Säring is a well known dealer in the Boxer Cup community, all fine.
I'm using Sebimoto fairings, had to repair it several times as there are no more new parts available.

Looking forward to see you in 2024! Ok400

Keep on racing!
robbox #67

...to your health...
It would be great to see a new participant from france at the BMW BoxerCup in 2024.

We are going to inform you as soon as all event date are fixed.



Dieser Beitrag wurde schon 2 mal editiert, zum letzten mal von Potti am 26 Oct, 2023 05:02 24.

 Potti #43
 Bcup SpCow

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