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Sorry I do not speak or spell German..
I am using translate service.
I have had a few boxer bikes. 2 x r1100s 1x r1200s. All bikes have been modified.
I wish to compete in a couple of rounds of the boxercup race series. I am currently building my race bike and trying to obtain parts . I will not be able to compete this year as time is against me . I will attend a race meeting as a spectator this year though. I will race in 2014. Maybe 2 or 3 rounds. It will be along way to travel from the UK, so I am limited with time off from work and wife!!
The bike I will be racing will be a r1200s .The bike is undergoing modifications.

Hi gus !
A warm welcome from the one and only "old'n'wise racing team " in the world of the roaring legends !
Nice, that you hve contacted us and be sure, you will like the scenery !
Join us at any time at any track we have scheduled for 2013!
And dont forget, bring your family and friends !
See you soon !

servus sagt der schweigel von o'n'w
OnW OnW :ok2:
British guys are real sports men and a little bit grazy. So you fit perfectly the Boxer Cup. A real warm welcome and see you soon on the race track.

Jan der Kurvenknutscher

[Bild: fahne-oesterreich.gif]
Wenn der Gus liest dass Ihr alle warm seit, kommt der nie :blll: :mopped:

Eine Kuh macht muh, viele Kühe machen Mühe Peit500
Ich sehe diese ubersetzung kompliziert erhalten.........
Dnke fur den herzlichen empfang. Ok
Genieben siemorgen motorradrennen. :mopped:


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